Feb 22, 2011

Family of Stormers supporters

"This little piggy"

Merle’s pig collection started at the age of 16 when her mother handed her a precious piggy bank. From this Merle tried to locate similar pigs to match her mothers gift. The collection grew and grew. With nearly 700 pigs, each one serving as a reminder of her life and the special people in it, Merle’s pigs have become much more than an obsessive addiction, rather they are a scrapbook of her past.

"The Right to Choose is a Perversion of the Truth"

In this series I have studies those who, statistically because of their age and situation, are the most likely to abort. They have chosen to keep their babies despite the odds. I have approached this subject from a pro-life, anti-abortion viewpoint while at the same time not condoning or promoting teenage pregnancy.

"Deaths Workmen"

A series depicting people who work with death. To these people, death, what seems a strange and often avoided topic has become their employment. People in this industry have had to learn to turn off emotions associated with death and view it as the business transaction that it has become.